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The Intersection of Soul and Creativity

The intersection of soul and creativity is the open door to the true self. Soul, our giver of life, is the creative essence of the universe. Even though soul is fathomless, she is also gentle and humble, and she thrives in simplicity. When we make an effort towards creativity, we are opening that door and inviting our soul to come forward and to communicate with us in her language.

Soul does not demand a masterpiece, but she demands that we make that space in our lives, and that we do it consistently so that we can fine-tune our ability to communicate with her. What does this mean in the simplicity of soul? It means that soul invites us to commit to a time and a place where we can go and be a child again, full of wonder and creativity; where we can ask simple questions, like, what if? How we choose to be creative doesn’t matter, a blank piece of paper and a box of crayons will suffice. Doodling, splashing paint joyfully on a canvas, playing with needle and thread, playing with mud, making sandcastles, it is all valid in the eyes of soul.

When we do this, when we decide to take an hour of our day or our week, and devote it explicitly to our creativity, we are making a very deep statement in our lives. We are saying yes to our true self, as we begin the conversation with soul. This is important to understand because it is us who must initiate that conversation. When we do, and when we make the effort to show up regularly and consistently, then soul takes notice and begins to respond. And as we doodle or paint or stitch, the language beyond words reaches us as emotion, as insight, as intuition. We have realizations about our lives, we have answers to questions, we connect the dots between events and recognize the divine guidance at play in our lives. All of these things arrive in the quiet place, in the stillness of that moment while we are engaging in a humble piece of artwork, where the choice of a color can suddenly open up an entire landscape to the land of soul.

And beyond realizations and insights, this simple hour of creativity is also an opportunity for us to tap into the unconditional love that soul is. When we play, we are naturally open, and when we create the intent to receive the love that is our divine inheritance, we can direct that beautiful energy into our body, into our life, and we can qualify it as a healing energy, or as a joyful energy, or whatever it is that we need at that moment. This is where the true power lies in that humble hour of creativity, we are giving our true creative self permission to come out and imbue the love that nourishes us into every aspect of our life.

— Jamila