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Paula Hein

Retreat Presenter

Hello! My name is Paula,

I am an Energy Doula who partners with you, my fellow soul traveler, as you journey inward, reconnecting with and unleashing your true nature that is just pining to be expressed in this world.

  • Reveal I AM is a gentle journey back to you
  • cultivating body mind and emotional alignment
  • with a candid, supportive, humble guide
  • in an authentic, collaborative and co creative space wherever you are along your soul’s path of discovery in this world

The Reveal is about relationships, beginning with the most primary and important relationship – the one you have with you. This is where our journey begins, discovering you and having the courage to do you. By living your authenticity, you will be witness to a continuous transformation within; a consistent warmth and grounding of inner calm and peace, not matter what is going on around you. You will also experience the exponential expansion of your inner balance and its effect on those around you.

About me:

I have 30 years of experience in training, development, behavioral science, coaching and consulting.

In my personal life, I have always been a quiet dabbler in esoteric and holistic practices, a voracious reader with a curious heart, and a closet Mystic, Empath, Light Worker (Energy Doula).

At around the age of 50, I began taking steps on a committed journey back to me, responding to a calling in my heart that would not be silenced, no matter how many distractions I created in life to ignore it. I left an established career with financial security, sold or gave away mostly everything, moved to my humble little cabin in Colorado, and witnessed some relationships organically fade away along with the old image of who I thought I was.

For 18 months, I withdrew, allowing a pause for simplicity, contemplation and restoration. During this time, I began to see clearly how I had been moving through this world unconsciously abandoning me, doing and being all that I thought I was ‘suppose to be’, trying to fulfill the expectations of others, out of obligation, to please, to earn respect, or to feel worthy and appreciated in the eyes of others.

I was exhausted – mentally, physically and emotionally. And, no one saw this in me, as I also was very skilled at maintaining a cheerful veneer for the world to see to keep me from experiencing their disappointment and facing my own truth.

I don’t know when it happened. It was gradual, but during this pause, I began to notice that all this time, I have always been seen, respected, appreciated, adored and loved unconditionally…by me, I began to remember this light inside of me that has always been there. It has never left me. I left it. And the more I recognized this light inside of me, the more I found courage to stand by me and let go of trying to navigate others response towards me.

And slowly, a warmth of inner peace. self acceptance, a calm, began to grow within me and it strengthens every moment, in every experience, every day. It cannot be contained. I get to witness, with awe, not only the transformation within me, but also in others.

Some of the modalities that have served me along the way are:

  1. Gene Keys – A poetic and profound transmission of practical wisdom. The Gene Keys guide you to a deeper understanding of your self and your true potential
  2. Human Design – The mechanics of your Energy Circuitry. Your own personal roadmap back to you. Navigating through life with ease and flow, as you.
  3. Emotion Code – An emotional wellness maintenance practice.Supporting you in all aspects of life,”unsticking” where you are feeling “stuck”.

And since 2019, I became certified in all three. Their integration, along with other tools, I am dedicated to sharing simple, enjoyable, easy to understand and apply practices to support you, my fellow traveler, along your own unique journey back to you:

  • discovering joy, freedom and liberation in just doing you
  • sinking into the warmth of your own self acceptance and the grounding of your own inner calm.

I am on the same journey as you. There’s something very sweet when we invite others along this experience, to be candid gentle mirrors as we rediscover and step into our true selves.

I am here to guide and look forward to your invitation to do so.

Have a beautiful day honoring you.

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