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Light and the Language of Soul

The language of soul is a beautiful language. It is the language of feeling, the language of sound and the language of light. The language of soul is our true native language. We were born already knowing it. We were fluent in it as babies, and then we began to forget about this language. But it is still here inside of us. It is the feeling we get when we watch a radiant sunset, or the simple joy we feel when we hear our favorite song, or the great surrender our body feels just at that moment before we fall asleep. It is also the still, small voice that we like to call intuition. It shows up in our lives at random moments, sometimes bringing us answers, sometimes transporting us to a place of possibility, a place of knowing that there is more to our life, that something immense is waiting for us to tap into it.

It is a wonderful thing to remember the language of soul, to become fluent in it again and to incorporate it into our daily lives. Why should we take the trouble to do this? Why should we bother to remember the language of soul? Because it returns us to our true self, to the self that we were meant to be, to our original state of being, which is being joyful, creative and prosperous in every way.

So, how do we begin? How do we become fluent again in this beautiful language that is part of our divine heritage? We begin by lnoticing the sun, Helios, the physical sun that is the source of our sustenance, warmth and well being on the planet. We know that everything is made of energy, and energy is light. And so are we, we are made of light energy. And just as there is a physical sun named Helios that shines on us every day, there is also a spiritual sun, our soul sun, that manifests light energy in our lives. The same way that Helios, our Earth sun, shines upon the planet indiscriminately, so does our soul sun shine upon our lives at all times. And just like Helios, it is up to us how we use this energy.

It is through our soul energy that we create the life we live. Some of us focus our energy and create great achievements, some of us allow chaos to rule our lives, and this energy of ours get diffused and dispersed, and we end up living scattered lives. We have some idea of this, that we create our own life. But how do we use our own light energy, our soul sun, to create the life that we want?

The answer is simple. We give direction to our soul energy through our thoughts and emotions. Where we put our focus, and where we fuel that focus with emotion, is how we direct our soul energy to go. So, if we focus our thoughts on angry things, and we feel anger coursing through our veins, then that’s the direction that our soul energy takes. And we become like a beacon sending out waves of angry energy. If we focus our thoughts on loving things, and we fuel those thoughts with emotions of gratitude and kindness and compassion, then that’s the prism of energy light that our soul sun will emit. And eventually these bands of energy, qualified as love or fear, will create the kind of life that we live.

By learning how to use our soul light in a focused way, we can change the course of our life. How do we learn this? The same we learned how to create a chaotic life. If our thoughts and emotions ran amok and created chaos in our world, now we can learn to direct our thoughts and emotions inward into our soul sun, so that we can remember the language of soul, and in this way we can begin a conversation with our true soul self. In this conversation, we might just learn wonderful things, like how to create a genuine life of well-being and abundance. And we might also discover our true purpose for being here.

— Jamila