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Retreat Chef

Jamie Schmaltz

Meet Your Retreat Chef


I am an East Coast transplant in Kansas who grew up hungry with a mom who did not know how to cook. It was she and I in our little family, so it was learn or starve! I spent my weekends combing through my grandmother’s old cookbooks and practicing with any ingredient I could find. My world has, and always will, revolve around food. As soon as I finish one meal, I am planning for the next. I am in no way a classically trained chef. For me cooking is cathartic — it doesn’t have to be perfect, and there is plenty of room for experimentation. Whoever told you that you shouldn’t play with your food is wrong. I think of instructions more as guidelines, written to show you the general way. I love trying new foods and new restaurants. One of my favorite things is to recreate foods that I enjoyed and put my own spin on it. Laughter and food fill me and fill my soul. I am looking forward to gathering and sharing good food with you.

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